Become a Sponsor
Our latest Neighborhood Home Tour was held on Saturday, February 22, 2025. The Tour was a sell-out success!
We are taking a break from our Modernism Week Home Tour in 2026 but will return in 2027.
Below are the Sponsorship levels that were in place for our 2025 Tour. These will be updated for our 2027 Tour.
We have four levels of sponsorships available:
Richard Neutra Presenting Sponsorship:
Donald Wexler Level Sponsorship:
E. Stewart Williams Level Sponsorship:
Albert Frey Level Sponsorship:
Sponsorship benefits include:
Tickets to the Home Tour
Prominent name placement on signage, in the program, and in social media advertising
Company materials placement at the check-in booth
Tickets to the Thank You Party
Proceeds from the Home Tour facilitate events and projects that help us build community in our neighborhood
including website development, new logo/branding, new blade signs on street signposts,
litter clean-up crews, annual neighborhood meetings, a neighborhood watch program,
and the support of local charities.Sponsor commitment deadline is January 1, 2025.
If you’d like more information about our sponsorship opportunities