Join or Renew Now

You are eligible for membership in the Historic Tennis Club Neighborhood Organization, Inc. (HTCNO) if you are an adult resident who owns a property or business within the boundaries of our neighborhood. Please proceed below by filling out the membership form and making your annual contribution. This will ensure that you:

  • receive notifications about neighborhood happenings, events and meetings

  • are eligible to vote at the Annual HTCNO Membership Meeting

Contributions to the HTCNO are voluntary but appreciated. The minimum suggested contribution per household or business is $40 per year.

HTCNO, Inc. is a 501c4, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation. Contributions are not tax deductible.

Only one (1) membership is required per HTCN household/business.
You may add up to 3 contacts on the form below.

There are 2 steps required below to complete your membership.

Step 1:
Fill out membership form below

Step 2:
Select green “Add to Cart” button

HTCNO Annual Contribution

There is a suggested minimum contribution of $40 per household/business per year.